We run various adult classes for a range of abilities. Some classes are more general and others are more ability specific. Below is a list of the classes we offer with information regarding the level of the classes.

Class Description

General Adult Ballet

This class follows the more traditional setting of a ballet class; a gentle warmup, barre and finishing with some centre work. It is suitable for those who have some basic knowledge of ballet.

Intermediate Adult Ballet

This class also follows the traditional setting of a ballet class and includes some slightly more complex choreography. Therefore, it is suitable for those who have been attending ballet classes for a few years (either as an adult or child).

Ballet Conditioning

This class follows conditioning exercises that focus on strength in the upper back, core, legs and ankles improving balance, deportment and flexibility. As a stand alone class this will tone and shape the body and improve fitness. Those attending other adult ballet classes will find this class improves your ballet technique giving you more control in your movements. You will need to take a yoga/pilates mat with you to this class.

No previous ballet experience is necessary for this class.

Adult Tap 
Following a traditional style of American tap, this class is suitable for all abilities and is a fantastic way to exercise both your body and mind; it challenges the brain-to-muscle connection and through regular aerobic training that incorporates some type of dance at least once a week, this can help maximise your brain function.

You are welcome to wear anything you like for these classes as long as you can move freely and safely. Some people like to wear leggings and t shirts/sports tops and others like to wear leotards, tights and skirts according to the style of dance. It really depends on what you’re comfortable in. It is best to wear some sort of dance shoe for ballet; ballet shoes work well however, if you have any problems with your feet then dance trainers might be more comfortable (and allow room for innersoles etc if required). Tap shoes are necessary for the tap classes but a hard shoe for your trial class will work well. A yoga or pilates mat will be needed for the conditioning class.

Trial Class
We offer a free trial class to anyone wanting to start classes at the school. Please email us to book yourself a trial class: sheilapricedance@yahoo.co.uk

Fees are paid termly unless you would like to discuss alternative arrangements with us. Once you are added to our database you will be emailed an invoice which gives you an option to pay online or by bank transfer. You are also welcome to pay by cheque or cash handed to us in class, in an envelope with your name and class printed on the front. Terms are usually between 11 - 13 weeks long with a break for half term.


SPD Studio


Upper Rissington_

10.30am - 11.30am

  Adult Ballet General/Improvers 


SPD Studio

Upper Rissington


7.30pm - 8.30pm

  Adult Ballet General


SPD Studio

Upper Rissington_


10.00am - 11.00am

  Adult Ballet General